Physiotherapy is a holistic approach to healthcare & plays a vital part in pain relief, healing & rehabilitation in most medical & surgical conditions.
In other words, physiotherapy is a dynamic rehabilitation profession that helps and guides one to overcome the barriers to physical function with minimal dependence on drugs.
A physiotherapist works with patients having illness, injuries, chronic diseases, age related conditions & patients awaiting surgery or post surgery.
Hence, a Physiotherapist works in many areas including Cardiorespiratory, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Neurology, Geriatric care, Palliative care, Sports & Womens health. For each case, it requires an extensive assessement, including health history, evaluation of pain & movement pattern, strength, range of motion, reflexes, sensation, cardio-respiratory status, etc.
In addition, the Physiotherapist examines relevant radiodiagnosis, laboratory tests, medical & surgical notes, establishes the diagnosis and works to develop individualized goals and treatment programs.
The treatment can include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, electrical modalities such as TENS, Ultrasound therapy, Muscle stimulator, SWD, MWD, LASER etc.; Mechanical devices such as traction, tilt table etc., along with physical agents such as heat, cold, prosthesis, orthoses and others.
Physiotherapy is the key to restore and maintain a level of physical function that permits independent living in people with illness, injuries and disability. The benefits include, decrease in pain, improved mobility, strength, coordination and improved cardiopulmonary function.
For people who suffer from pain whether back pain, neck pain, & other joint pain ,physiotherapy is the treatment preference.
It has been proven to be effective in the treatment and management of arthritis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputation, a range of respiratory conditions, pre and post surgical needs, sports injuries to acquire and maintain an optimum level of function and pain free living.